How to Make an Academic Advising Appointment

Scheduling an advising appointment varies depending on which college you are in.

Sometimes you call to make an appointment while other times you make an appointment online. This page provides an overview of how to schedule an advising appointment for your undergraduate college.

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Carlson School of Management

All students in the Carlson School Undergraduate Program are assigned a full-time professional advisor.

Scheduling an Appointment

There are multiple ways to schedule a 30-minute appointment with your assigned academic advisor.

Schedule an Appointment Online

Current Carlson degree-seeking students can also call (612) 624-3313 or visit the Undergraduate Program office in 2-190 Hanson Hall to schedule an appointment. Our office is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.  

Drop-In Advising

Current Carlson degree-seeking students may seek hybrid drop-in advising opportunities with an academic advisor for brief inquiries needing 5-10 minutes during the school year to discuss the following:

  • Registration questions
  • One Time Late Withdrawal procedure
  • Connections to resources
  • Academic policy questions
  • General questions that may take less than 10 minutes to discuss

College of Biological Sciences

Scheduling an Appointment

Current College of Biological Sciences (CBS) students can schedule an advising appointment with a CBS Academic Advisor multiple ways.

Schedule an Appointment Online 

You can also call (612) 624-9717 or visiting CBS Student Services in 3-104 Molecular and Cellular Biology (MCB) to schedule an appointment at the front desk. Our office is open from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Drop-in Advising

Current CBS Students and students with a CBS minor may meet with an academic advisor for 10-15 minutes during virtual and in-person drop-in advising hours. Drop-in advising hours are limited between semesters.

Students interested in transferring to CBS from another UMNTC college should attend a transfer information session before meeting with a CBS advisor.

College of Continuing and Professional Studies

Scheduling an Appointment

All CCAPS students should schedule their academic advising appointments with their Academic Advisor online.

Schedule an Appointment Online

College of Design

Scheduling an Appointment

Current College of Design (CDES) students may schedule an appointment with their academic advisor by using online scheduling or by calling CDES Student Services at 612-624-1717 or 612-626-3690.

Schedule an Appointment Online

Appointments are available online, in-person, or by phone.

College of Education + Human Development

Scheduling an Appointment

CEHD students can schedule an appointment online through individual advisor profiles or by calling your assigned advising office. Advising appointments are offered in-person, over Zoom/Google Hangouts, or the phone. 

CEHD Student Services
360 Education Sciences Building
56 East River Road
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Phone: 612-625-3339
Drop-in advising: Check with your advisor for their availability.
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday

Schedule an Appointment Online

TRIO Student Support Services
40 Education Sciences Building
56 East River Road
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Phone: 612-625-0772
Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday

Schedule an Appointment Online

If you are having a difficult time finding an appointment time that works for you online or over the phone, contact your advisor directly. 

College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences

Students who have been admitted to the College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences (CFANS) will be assigned an academic advisor. 

Scheduling an Appointment

Current CFANS students can schedule an advising appointment with their CFANS Academic Advisor in multiple ways.

Schedule an Appointment Online

You can also call 612-301-2389, email [email protected], or visit our CFANS Advising and One Stop Student Center to schedule an appointment at the front desk located in 130 Coffey Hall from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Drop-in Advising

Drop-in advising is only available to current CFANS students.  Current students may meet with an academic advisor for 10-15 minutes during drop-in advising hours.

Drop-in advising is available for the following:
  •  Add-Drop (One Time Drop)
  •  Course equivalencies
  •  Schedule verification and changes (current semester)
  •  Quick questions (liberal education requirements)
  •  Quick overview of APAS
  •  Petition procedures (information about the process) 

College of Liberal Arts

Scheduling an Appointment

All CLA students should schedule their academic advising appointments with their Academic Advisor online. 

Schedule an Appointment Online

Students can also call or stop by their assigned advising office to schedule an appointment.

16 Johnston Hall
101 Pleasant St. SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Martin Luther King, Jr. Program
33 Appleby Hall
128 Pleasant St. SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455

President's Emerging Scholars
2 Appleby Hall
128 Pleasant St. SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455

All offices are open from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

​​Drop-In Advising

Students who are currently enrolled in the College of Liberal Arts are welcome to utilize our drop-in advising hours in their assigned advising offices. Drop-in advising is limited to a 5 to 10 minute session. In general, drop-in hours are held 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, but each office may have their own drop-in advising hours so it is best to call.

College of Science & Engineering

Scheduling an Appointment

There are multiple ways to schedule an academic advising appointment in CSE.

Schedule an Appointment Online

You can also call 612-624-2890 or go to the CSE Academic Advising office at 105 Lind Hall, from Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.

Registration Appointments

  • Pre-major students: You will receive an email when it’s time to sign up for a registration appointment. Be sure to schedule an appointment right away. You cannot register until you have met with your advisor.
  • Students admitted to their major: Work with your department to determine whether you need to schedule a registration appointment with your faculty or departmental advisor.

If you want to meet with an advisor for another reason and do not see any availability online, you can email your advisor to discuss setting up an appointment. Your advisor and their contact information is listed in your MyU.

Drop-in Advising

CSE Academic Advising drop-in hours are 2:00-4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday during the semester. Monday through Thursday are in-person in Lind Hall 105, and Fridays are virtual via Zoom. You must be checked in by 3:45 p.m. Use these 5-10 minute meetings to talk with an advisor about:

  • One-time-only late withdrawal
  • Concern about a current class
  • Referrals to resources and programs
  • Liberal education requirements
  • College or University academic policies
Drop-in hours are for current CSE students only. University of Minnesota students who are interested in transferring to CSE from another college should review the Transfer from within the University information page, and complete the CSE ICT Transfer course on Canvas (takes approximately 60 minutes to complete). Once completed, ICT students are invited to attend drop-in advising. Students can email [email protected] with any specific questions for which they are unable to find answers for on the program-specific web pages and/or Canvas module. Please include the degree program(s) that you are interested in pursuing. You may also call us at  612-624-2890. During school breaks and in the summer, check with CSE Academic Advising for drop-in availability.

School of Nursing

Schedule an Appointment

Current BSN students can schedule an appointment with an academic advisor online at Appointments are available online and in-person on the Twin Cities and Rochester campus.

Schedule an Appointment Online

The Office of Student & Career Advancement Services is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. We are located in 2-139 Weaver-Densford Hall (Twin Cities) and 390 University Square (Rochester). Our phone number is 612-625-7980.

Drop-In Advising

During fall and spring semesters, students are welcome to meet with an academic advisor during drop-in hours for a quick session (10-15 minutes). Drop-in advising is available online and in-person on both campuses periodically throughout the semester. Details about drop-in times, modality, and location can be found in the advising calendar at

The following are examples of what you might talk about during drop-in sessions:

  • Schedule verification
  • Assistance making schedule changes
  • Referrals to resources

Drop-in advising is not available during summer and winter breaks. 

University Honors Program

Scheduling an Appointment

Current University Honors Program students can schedule an advising appointment with their Academic Advisor in one of three ways.

Schedule an Appointment Online

You can also call 612-624-5522 or visit the program office in 310 Northrop open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday to schedule an appointment.

If you are not able to come for an in-person appointment, advisors are also available for phone and online meetings. Please contact your advisor to set up a distance meeting. 

Drop-In Advising

Honors Advisors have regularly scheduled "drop-in" office hours, designed to help students with quick questions that require 10-15 minutes or less. Students should use the “Drop-in” calendar to access drop-in advising appointments.